Feel The love
Program Details
How ftl Works
Community Nominates
People like you recognize deserving individuals and families in the Treasure Valley by nominating them to receive new heating or cooling systems. Each nomination recognizes an unsung hero who may be going through hardship, helps others in need or simply supports their community. For tips on deciding who to nominate, see Lennox’s guidelines.
Selections are Made
After receiving all of the nominations, Lennox honors select recipients with new heating or cooling equipment. Oftentimes, these people lack the means to make their homes more comfortable on their own, but Lennox and Greens believes that everyone should feel safe and comfortable in their home.
Dealers Spread the Love
During the second week in October, Lennox works with us to give back to these selected heroes by gifting them with a much-needed upgrade from Lennox’s Merit Series – a line of products that sets the Lennox® standard of excellence. Each unit comes complete with an extended warranty through Warranty Your Way®, and we donate our time and labor to make the program a success.